I’ll make your original tours. Please let me know what you want to do, what you are interested in, and how long you want to join the tour, budget, or others. suggesting some tours just for you. Of course I’ll go with you as your private guide.

Also, I offer a unique activity, Kendo Experience Tour. Kendo is a traditional martial art in Japan closely related to Samurai warriors.

Let’s have an unforgettable memory ! Mt. Fuji, Hakone, Kamakura, Nikko, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka are all highlights in Japan , pretty popular among foreign guests.  We can share wonderful time together anytime.


Mayumi-san, thank you so much for touring with us for 2days. We made it on the train to Kyoto.(2024/Mar/from the US)

We had a great time with you and were happy with our tour and all we saw. The shrine was so beautiful and the girls had a blast taking pictures and eating all that cotton candy ! You were like being with family taking us around.(2023/Jan/from the US)

Thank you so much for this unique experience. It was fun !Good exercise to relieve everyday stress while shouting loudly. (2020/Jan/from Australia)

Thank you so much ! I’ve never been to such historical sites in Yokohama City. Making my own cupnoodles was so fun !(2019/May/from Australia)

Thank you for your help and kindness…may be next time we will meet again.(2018/Feb/from Indonesia) 

It was a great pleasure to me to spend a long day, full with clear and updated info you shared with us during the entire trip to Nikko. We just met again at the 5th station of Mt.Fuji . I would like to thank you for all your efforts to make the trip so good. (2017/Nov)